Science & Math Co-op
2022-2023 class offerings
ABOUT OUR CLASSES: Which classes are actually taught in the fall is based on registration. We must have a minimum of 4 students for any class. Classes are designed to cover a full-year equivalent course in public school. Depending on the class and your learning goals, you may be able to join for a portion of the class. All materials will be provided.

A high-school Introduction to Chemistry lab-based science class. Take it for the experience or for high school credit.
We will learn fundamental principles important in understanding chemistry. Each session includes direct instruction for concepts studied at home and a lab associated with the ideas we are learning.
This class is designed with the same content and rigor as a high school chemistry class. Past students have been awarded high school credit for taking this class.
(please note: learning chemistry at this level requires study at home and proficiency in Algebra)

Biology is the study of the life around us. This lab and activity loaded class will take us on a journey from molecules to organisms.
In this general Biology class, we'll study the interdependence and interconnections of ecosystems, see how our DNA determines our traits and constructs the proteins that are uniquely us, delve into the inner-workings of cells and see how our knowledge applies to the world around us .
Depending on the desire/goals of the group, this class could be taught at an AP level and students could be prepared to take the AP Biology exam.
Small Title
Not offered this year

Foundations in science
A general introductory science class for students ages 12-16.
This hands-on activity and lab based class is designed for middle-school aged students.
It explores the basics and provides a strong foundation in the concepts and principles of physics, chemistry, and life science. Students will have fun while learning in the lab-based class. The class is designed to give students a hands-on application of the physics they are learning. We'll also discover a little of the living world around us both the microscopic and the macroscopic. Plus we'll transform pennies into gold as we get our hands on chemistry.
This class is equivalent to a high school freshman science class and can be used to earn a lab science credit toward Washington State graduation requirements.
New this year

A year's course in high school Geometry. Satisfies Washington State graduation requirement in math and prepares students for the Geometry questions on the entrance exams for community college.