Audition Information
Connection Street Theatre provides a community theatre opportunity here in Shelton. We invite anyone who wants to act, sing, dance or help backstage to participate in our upcoming performances.
Audition dates for
The Music Man
Sunday, Feb.23, 2025
1 pm
ages: 8 and up
Cast: 20+ roles
all ages

All rehearsals and performances are held at Faith Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall, 1212 Connection St., Shelton
Rehearsals* are held:
Sundays, 1-5 pm
*Mondays, 5:30-7:30 pm
*Thursdays, 5:30-7:30 pm
*Monday and Thursday rehearsals are reserved for specific performances, group or scene work as needed. All cast members may not be called for some of these rehearsals.
Performance week: Rehearsals, including dress rehearsal will be Mon, Tues, Thurs and Friday the week of the first performance. There will be a pick-up rehearsal on Thursday before the second week of performance. These rehearsals will run from 5:30 pm until 9-10 pm depending on preparedness.
Before you Audition
Please check your calendar for any conflicts in rehearsal days and your schedule. You will be asked to note these on your audition form.
If you cannot make EVERY final week rehearsal and all performance dates, you will not be cast.
Please be prepared with the following:
bring a completed Audition Form (link below)
prepare a 1 min monologue
prepare a 1 min song
(musicals only, for those wanting solos)
(If you can not come the day of the audition, but want to participate in the show, please contact us as we may be able to provide an alternative audition day)
Call Backs
Some actors may be called back for an additional audition. You will be notified by text or phone if you are called back.
Call backs are held on Thursdays, 5:30 - 7:30 pm.